Please call or email us for any further information.

1. How long has County Ballet been in business?

County Ballet has been serving the Harford County arts community for over 40 years. 
(Established 10/81)

2. Is there a specific uniform?

Dance education is a discipline, part of that discipline is a uniform. Every level class has  a specific uniform, this includes hair.

3. What is the age for younger dancers?

Our First Steps program accepts dancers who will be four years of age before the end of the year in which they are registering. our Tumble Tot participants begin at 2.5 yrs.

4. May adults drop in?

Adults participating in classes at County Ballet may pay per class.

5. My daughter is on pointe at our present school, will she be on pointe at County Ballet?

Any pointe dancer should attend a placement class at County Ballet. Generally, if a student has attended a classical studio, is at least 12 years old, and has proper body alignment and weight, she can continue on Pointe. However, dancers returning to class after an absence should expect to attend several sessions before regaining strength to continue on Pointe.

6. As an older beginner, do I have to start with the babies?

County Ballet offers beginning dance programs for all ages.

7. I only want tap, why do I have to take ballet?

The beginning levels of all dance require discipline and general dance etiquette. The basics of the classroom are developed in the ballet class. Tap dancers are first introduced to sound and rhythms. After understanding a basic dance class, dancers may then branch off into specific dance styles. Adults entering the dance program at County Ballet may start with Tap.

8. Can I observe a class before I sign up?

Observation is always welcome, please call in advance. Observation is very limited during COVID times.

9. Are make up classes available?

Dancers making up a missed class because of illness or other legitimate problems should make up in their level or the level below.

10. What about the recital?

County Ballet does not believe elaborate recitals are the purpose of dance education. The development of dance movement is a continuous process, and one semester of training is not adequate in order to perform. You would not expect to play an entire concerto after only a few music lessons or speak a foreign language after only one semester of training, so why try to perform dances without proper training? Therefore, the purpose of the parent observation is to allow one to see the development of the dance technique. The January observation is a regular class with emphasis on technique which is explained to observers, this occurs during regular class times the last week of class. The May observation is geared for the Lower Division dancers to show their technique while establishing their confidence in a more elaborate manner. In addition to wearing the required uniform,  ballet dancers receive a demi-skirt, hair embellishment and fresh flowers. The fee for dancers participating in the Lecture Demonstration in May is included in their tuition. Refreshments follow each Demonstration.

Dancers having established their foundation in technique are encouraged to pursue the performing aspects of dance by auditioning for the Part Two Dance Company, area college dance and theatre programs, dinner theatres and church programs.